A 34 Week Bumpdate

Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beach Wild Roesbuds: a 34 week bump date and Family photoshoot on the beachWell, after a scary weekend of very painful movements and labor pains that finally passed, we have made it to 34 weeks. Saturday was a night from Hell. I had gotten no sleep as the baby decided to do a crazy dance in my belly that was very painful. On the plus side, I realized that she felt like she was in the proper position for birth come Sunday morning. But, then the labor pains came, and on a schedule of 6 minutes apart but then slowly coming to a halt. It was a scary 24 hours.Yesterday was my 34 week Doctors appointment, and I was excited for her to tell me good news about the platelets and baby position. While the platelets did got up, a positive, there were many negatives as well. For the past month, my skin has itched and felt like it was going to crawl right off my body. This would get worse at night time and, result in a lack of sleep. Turns out, this is a very severe condition when you are pregnant called Cholestasis. Having this causes a risk for still births, which means I wouldn't be allowed to carry past 38 weeks. While the testing is away to confirm or deny having this, I now need to be on medication for it, just incase.On top of that bad news, my doctor also felt around for baby's position and I was right about her moving on Saturday, but, unfortunately, she moved the opposite way. Instead of being head down, she is now head up in my ribs sitting pretty. This itself adds complications because I now need to be watched hoping that she will sort herself out in the next week or so. Otherwise 36 weeks will bring an ultrasound and a hard decision on what risks Rob and I will want to take for child birth. Do we have a C-Section, or deliver a breech baby vaginally? Each have their own problems attached.As of this moment we have everything crossed that all will work itself out in the next few weeks and our baby girl will arrive perfectly healthy, without any harm done to me.Any Fellow moms have any advice, I'd love to hear it!Katie Rosebanc de binary erfahrungenпорно симпсоны видеокупити квадроцикл б усвинина на сковороде рецептбыстрый кредит в могилеведоска объявлений кредитдельта кредит екатеринбургдебет 91 кредит 51


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