A 36 Week Bump Date

imageAs I write this bump date, we are headed to the city for another big day in the pregnancy, but as you may know, yesterday was a big day for us as well. We went to the IWK (our local Children's hospital) to have an ultrasound and make sure our baby girl was ok in there. Armed with the best support system made up of my husband and my mom, we sat in with our ob/gyn and got to see little miss on the big screen of our ultrasound.On top of seeing that she was still transverse, we also learned that unfortunately, I am diagnosed with Cholestasis. These findings mean a few things are about to happen in the very near future. Today we head back to the hospital for a version, where they try to manipulate the baby into the right position manually. They do this while making sure both baby girl and my vital signs stay healthy. If things take a turn for the worse, which they are likely to not, we may have the baby today. Our doctor assured us this is a less than 1% chance. If this goes well, and baby does flip head down, I will be induced at 38 weeks to lower the risks of a still birth among other risks. If the baby won't move, I will be scheduled for a C-Section at 38 weeks to make sure baby is delivered healthy.Along with these timelines, we also now are under health watch to make sure that our baby stays healthy despite the problems going on with my liver. We will now have weekly ultrasounds on top of our regular doctors appointment to keep baby's health in check.But, some positive news about today is that she is healthy. Really Healthy. And has hair. You mom's of bald babies will get my excitement. They are estimating her weight at 6lbs 11oz which is in the 83rd percentile. We got to see her healthy fast heart beat and she even had her lungs moving as she practiced breathing. All of these are fantastic signs that she will come out a perfect little bundle of joy, despite the early labor.So in a few short hours, we will know more so make sure you keep an eye out for updates on social media as the day unfolds.Katie RoseKormetal KM 224сковорода блинницачехол от солнца citroen2006 mazda mx-5 car coverдам деньги в долг гомельбыстрый кредит до 500000холдинг кредит банк официальный сайтгомер хоум кредит


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