A Father's Love

Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love Wildrosebuds.com: A Fathers Love 

All Photos Taken with the Nikon 1 S2. (thank you Nikon Canada)

 So this guy he's my dad and he was raised in a time and town where men worked and women stayed home. Him and his three brothers were raised learning the ropes of how to live off working their own land . With a father who is old too old fashioned for his own good, and a mother who just wanted to please, he was taught that emotions had a time and a place and were only for rare occasions. He then met my mom who is extremely outgoing and had three very dramatic girls who couldn't hide in our feelings if it could save our life. Im pretty sure everything he knew was thrown out the window.With that being said the love and affection that he shows Aubrey melts my heart. I'm not going to lie, my father and I never really got along when I was in my teens. But now, finally matured and grown, I see where he was coming from with each and everything he said and I have a new found respect for him. And to watch him with Aubrey, I know I've made his dream of having a boy come true. I can't wait to see these two grow old together.Speaking of emotions, my Uncle spent the past months cutting these logs and my dad was so proud, he wanted us to go see them before they were taken away for sale. Photo Documentation was a must for him , so mom and I cam armed with our Nikon cameras. That is a lot of wood right there.Katie Rose xoсковорода из литого алюминияКупить веерную кистьотдых во вьетнаме 2015miami house rentalвзять деньги в долг курсквзять кредит онлайн 18 летбанк центр кредит москвакредит 150000 рублей


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