Let There Be Sun

It is slowly beginning to look like spring around here. With the signs of life peaking through the winter landscape, my life finally seems to have sunshine fighting through its harsh clouds.
Tomorrow marks my 30th week pregnant and I cant believe I have made it this far. October 24th, seems soo long ago and so much has happened since that night staring at the test on my bedroom floor.

Rob and I took our first prenatal class together this weekend, which started a full weekend of baby. Dreams of the future and how this busy body growing big and strong in my belly (just like his daddy) will look, what his personality will be, and what type of parents we will be filled most conversations had. Since, excitement keeps growing bigger and bigger, along with fears, but that excitement is kicking those fears butt. My life is finally falling into place and I'm not scared to face it like I have been the past while. I am a lucky girl to have such an amazing support system, and this muchkin is lucky to have such an amazing Father to welcome him to this world.
On top of my busy weekend of baby, My good friend (older sister figure) came home last week. Many meals out were planned and I was lucky enough to make it to two of them. She always bring our group of girls together when shes home and we could all see I was in dire need of some time with girls. I'm so happy she still has a week and a bit left before she leaves. I will definitely keep you updated on any adventures we have.
I hope everyone gets out there and enjoys the gorgeousness that is spring. Soon summer will be here and summer equals Baby Corkum-Decoeli. Eek!

                                                                Katie-Rose xo

First spring walk with Mom and Turbo

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Life lately....


Rotten Lemons