Sleep....whats that?

Ear infection Its funny how as a mom, you get used to functioning on little to no sleep. I almost don't even miss it.Just as crib training was starting to go great, sleeping 12 hours and up only 2-3 times for feedings, wham, things did a 180. For the past few weeks, Aubrey has been fussy and short tempered. Screaming in a new octave, he would only last in his crib for an hour max before becoming inconsolable for a good 15 mins-2 hours at a time. Thinking that it all must be teething issues, we tried everything teething related. He's wearing the amber necklace 24/7, he was taking the full dose of Camilia, and Gripe water, and sometimes even Tylenol as a last resort. Nothing was working. He still wouldn't sleep in his crib, and now he began to not even be comfortable in our bed.Then, Thursday night happened. He went down easy at around 6:30, but was up every 30 mins after for a good 10-15 minutes at a time. This had become his new normal so I didn't think anything of it. But, just after 11 pm he woke up screaming and wouldn't stop. I tried everything. I mean everything! from laying in his crib with him, to coming downstairs and putting him in his swing, while I attempted to sleep in the wing-back chair. Nothing stopped his screaming until he fell asleep from sheer exhaustion at 4:30 am. Running on no sleep, I went to my lovely Facebook moms for advice. One mom suggested an ear infection. After reading that, my mind flashed back to all of the signs that were there. I immediately booked a doctors appointment for the soonest that day. Turns out he has a severe infected ear on the right side and just a slight infection on the left. Poor guy has been dealing with this for what the doctor had guessed a good 2 weeks. He had developed a runny nose about 2 weeks ago, and that is the first sign. Aubrey is now on Antibiotics and is back to his funny happy self. I am so happy to see him feeling better and will now not assume anything is just a cold.Sleepy Good bye,Katie Rose xoпорно взрослые мамкиbinary options reviewкупить недорогой мобильный телефонhail coverэкспресс кредит финанс коллекторское агентствокредит в икеакалькулятор потребительского кредита центр инвестденьги в долг орск


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