Oh Mother Care Mom Time

Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care Kit Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care Kit Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care Kit Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care Kit Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care Kit Wild Rosebuds reviews the Oh Mother Care KitIt's a mom thing. I even feel guilty writing this post. But, as soon as you become a mom, you feel like its your duty or even your job to take care of your kids, do your laundry or at least something that involves house work 24/7. Leaving your kids in anyone else's hands, including your husbands makes you feel like you are not measuring up to what you are supposed to be. So your life turns into this whole blur of busy.Then you add in a newborn. Suddenly you are now a wife, a mother, and a milk machine. You smell of stale breastmilk from the pads you keep under your bra, spit up from the shirt you have warn too many days in a row to mention, and baby poop because it got on you somewhere some how after the numerous diaper changes you do in a day. As a mom this stench is all to familiar. But, because you're so busy trying to do it all, you cant even shower it off, or even remember the last time you allowed yourself to.Welcome to the painting of my world.But, then in the mail came a package. It was called 'Oh Mother Care Kit'. I opened it up and found a chocolate bar, a gourmet one from our favorite local coffee shop. As I dove into the minty goodness of the chocolate, I opened the box to find the most luxurious bath items from small Canadian Apothecary shops and a kit to make a delicious pitcher of iced tea. The smell and thought of them filled my mind. Beside them, were recipe cards to help my tired mom brain think of what to nourish myself with so that I in turn can nourish my baby. It was everything I needed all in one box to make me feel like a person again instead of a milk machine and lifeline to my family.So, that night, while the kids were asleep and Rob was deep in a movie hes been wanting to watch, I said no to the dishes from supper and the floors that haven't been cleaned in a month and snuck upstairs. Each product I tried left their smell and washed away that horrible stench of new mom. I washed away the tired eyes and make up that had been applied days ago. I started to remember that I was a pretty woman.Yes, the smell will return, the black bags under my eyes remained and the wrinkles will only get deeper, but I felt pretty just the same. Those wrinkles are earned by being there for your children through the hard times, and late nights and the funny times too. Your sleep will get better but those wee hours in the morning are when you created the best bonds with your children, and soon you will be overwhelmed with the smell of teenagers in your house instead of stale milk. Thank you Oh Mother Care for reminding me that I am still me and that this too shall pass.So if you have the new mom blues or know someone who does, send an Oh Mother Care Kit to remind them that they are still there and worth the hour to find themselves again in the the delicious products that arrive to their door.Katie Rose 


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