Summer, Where Did You Go?

Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschoolerThis week is Raceweek in my home town. To most outsiders, it means tourist from around the world hurtle into the seaside town, taking part or watching the boat races that happen in our harbour. To us, Raceweek marks the beginning of the end to summer. Next week, my sister and her family, who come home from the middle east for the summers, will head back. Aubrey will lose his best friend, his cousin Amelia for another year, and our schedules will slow down to a stop socially.Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschooler Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschoolerWhat hits me a bit harder this year is that, September marks Aubrey's last year in Preschool. And, Although Im excited for the financial freedom of no more daycare for him, I can't help but feel both sad and scared that our baby boy in a years time will be going to school. On top of that, with Rob's second job having two months left, I have realized that, although I work from home and blogging to the outside world looks easy, its time for my to put Poppy into daycare a few days a week. Besides the amazing benefits of getting her more socialization with other kids, it will in the long run, give me more time with my family. I can spend those full days working instead of everyday during naps and after bed. That will mean more adventures, staycations and showing you all our beautiful province.Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschooler Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschooler Wild Rosebuds: Back To school look from H&M for preschoolerBut, with all of these big changes about to happen, I can't help but wonder where the heck summer went to? Is it that we get more used to the concept of time as we get older and so time goes by faster due to being used to it? I feel like as a kid, day lasted forever and summers felt like a year. Now, with each passing year, the months fly by, those lists of things that I wanted to get done are thrown in the garbage, and I am left disappointed with myself. I always aim to be the over achiever and instead seem to be a slacker when it comes to getting out of the house. But, this fall we want to change that. Instead, we are going to write a Fall to-do list of places to see and things to do and I will bring you along with!So, Summer, I'm ok with you leaving us soon. Bring on more family time, more adventures, and more loving the life we live.     

What Aubrey Is Wearing:

T-Shirt c/o H&M

Sweats c/o H&M

Sneakers - Zara

Backpack c/o Fjallraven


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