Our Kitchen Mini Reno

DSC_0886 DSC_0889Im going to start by saying that I am the worst photographer for rooms there may have ever been, but I wanted to show you our hard work. I also forgot to take before photos :(.It has been almost a year since signing the lease on our cute little rental of a house. But, having a year under our belt, we noticed that some things just didn't work for us. A huge issue was and always has been our kitchen. There is a lack of storage and the counter space is awkwardly broken up by the appliances and sink. So, last fall Rob built me a gorgeous kitchen island to help with that. Along with the island, we had a 5-tier shelf to house all of our small appliances and things that we use often. That shelf became a climbing zone for Aubrey, and just didn't suit the over all aesthetic that we have been going for in our home. So, with a $200 budget, we hit our favourite website, IKEA and picked up the Fintorp Rail for our pots and pans after getting sick of a messy cupboard where you couldn't find anything without making a mess and noise. We also grabbed the Bekvam stool for a great price to fill the need of a big chair in our kitchen (Aubrey loves this upgrade). But, we still needed wall storage, so we headed to our local building supplies store and picked up a 8ftX10inX2in board in their knotty pine and cut it in half to make 2x4feet shelves. After being on Pinterest for ideas, we fell involve with the black piping trend, especially for brackets (plus they were the same price if not cheaper as industrial brackets). Rob stained the shelves and stool to match the island and we got busy making and organizing everything. It turned out so fantastic and gives such a great vibe when you walk in.DSC_0016But, I always think that the key to decorating is in the details so I stocked up on the aesthetically pleasing Foxhound Collection soy candles. They look great on our new shelves, and make the house smell amazing. This Nova Scotian based company is my new obsession so I wanted you to experience them with me. To win some for yourself, follow the directions in the Rafflecopter below. The giveaway ends on July 10th at 12am. Good Luck!P.S, If you want bonus entry, keep your eye out on Instagram tomorrow for how (@wildrosebudsblog)Katie Rose xoa Rafflecopter giveawayCongrats to Ainslie Walker on winning!!!Binary Options Stock Tradingcar cover 1967 mustangbest time to visit zanzibarцены на цифровые видеокамерыгомер хоум кредиткредитная карта евросеть кукуруза отзывыкредит центр инвест батайсккредиты новосибирск


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A Life Update