My 11th Week as Mom to Two

Wild Rosebuds on 4 tips to being a Mom to twoWild Rosebuds on 4 tips to being a Mom to twoTomorrow my little baby will be 11 weeks old and I have been a mom to two for that long. How is that possible? We are trying to savour every minute, but every minute is going by too fast.On a positive note, I think we are finally getting this parenting two kids thing. It has been easier than we expected but harder at the same time. Juggling the two but creating balance in our house has to be the hardest part. So, to save some of the hardship for you new moms of your second baby, I wanted to share some advice I have been learning along the way.

  • Keep Your Calm: This is by far the most important yet hardest lesson in parenting. You can tell yourself this till the cows come home, but when your in that situation, it will always be hard. Aubrey doesn't listen at the best of times, so when he is doing something bad and I am preoccupied with Poppy, I have learned that soft words and calm reaction work better than yelling and stomping at him. This is what I am working on the most.
  • Smother your First born with affection: Rob and I only picked up this trick recently. Aubrey has acted like a complete jerk since Poppy and no amount of time outs and countdowns were working. But, when he acts out, if we smothered him with attention and affection, he immediately stops his attitude and listen to us.
  • Split Up Your Time: This is is so important. Even as a new mom, with a baby on the boob 24/7, time your feedings so that you can have the option to do the bedtime routine. That hour of snuggles, mommy time and story books will mean more to them than you could even imagine.
  • Babywear: BABYWEAR, BABYWEAR, BABYWEAR! Not only is this amazing for your new little, but it also allows you to take care of them while spending some bonding time with your big little with no excuses. Whether is nature walks, or Aubrey's favourite Chapters Kids section, when your new baby is wrapped up agains your chest, you can act as though they aren't even there. No excuses, more love.

As each day goes by, we learn more about how to deal. Be patient with yourselves. You will get there and no matter what, you are amazing parents!Katie Rose 


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