It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

DSC_0171 DSC_0181 DSC_0180 DSC_0189 DSC_0202 DSC_0205What a busy Week we have had so far....After starting  Aubrey on Antibiotics Friday, He is a totally new baby. He has his laugh back and is talking all the time. I love the sounds that pour out of my little man. Because he started feeling better so quickly, we decided to risk it and take him out for the Santa Claus Parade here in Halifax. It was a surreal experience for Rob and I. Last year, we went after just finding out I was pregnant. We had only told our immediate family. I remember watching the parade at the same spot we went to this year, and Rob an I discussing  what it will be like with Aubrey, our Davids Tea in hand. Jump forward 1 year, Aubrey was in the carrier like we thought, but we left before Santa even passed. It`s funny how priorities change so much as a parent. We were happier to leave half way through so that we could miss the crazy traffic and get home before Aubrey was too overly tired, than to stay and see what everyone comes for.Once home, we tucked Mr. Aubrey into our bed (we felt too guilty about his ear to force him to sleep in his crib) and went downstairs to a bottle of Chocolat Rouge Sweet Red wine waiting for us. We next, turned on the Christmas tunes and got to decorating. It was so much fun. To personalize matching stockings I had picked up for us (I'm going back and grabbing 2 more for future kids because we love them that much) I picked up some wooden letters and ribbon. there is nothing worse than Christmas morning arriving and 'Santa" forgetting whose stocking is whose, until you begin to open it. I painted each letter gold and then attached it to the stocking with some Christmas ribbon. They turned out great.Tonight as Aubrey is sleeping, we begin to pack for Ottawa. We leave tomorrow afternoon to visit my very close friend Kayla and her fiance Kevin. They are Aubrey`s Godparents and this will be their first time meeting. Rob has never been to Ottawa so I cant wait to experience it with him.I hope everyone is starting to get festive.Sincerely,Katie-Rose xoDSC_0217 DSC_0213 DSC_0221 DSC_0225 DSC_0226русское порно смотреть видео бесплатноNT555обзор китайских ноутбуковмейк ап косметикахоум кредит банк брянсккак взять кредит 100 тысячдебет 01 кредит 91как взять в долг теле2


Hello Ottawa


Sleep....whats that?