Create Confidence In Your Crawling Baby
At five and a half months, our little Poppy is starting to get more active. From rolling to practicing her reach and grasp, if she is not asleep, she is on the go.The past few days, we have been putting her in the Jumparoo, and she is absolutely loving it. But with wood and tile floors we found that she was losing grip and couldn't bounce very well. Then we remembered our Go Baby Go socks that had just arrived in the mail and placed them on her feet. they have little grips on both the bottom of the foot and the top of the toes. Next thing we knew, she was jumping and loving being busy.
Once Poppy starts to look like she is ready to crawl, we will make sure she is rocking her Go Baby Go tights or knee pads. They are armed with little grips in patterns around the knees, feet and top of toes to help a baby feel more confident in starting to move. It is crazy to believe that it's not too far off from her being on the move. She already is starting to lift her torso and pull her knees up in the motion to crawl.Go Baby Go was created by owner Fie when her son was born 2 months premature and was having difficulties with his motor skills. Because of that, he was not hitting his milestones. She started researching how to help him improve and catch up, and in her research developed the crawling line. Having a bit more grip, allows babies to feel more confident in their actions, shows a cause and effect so that they can get the hang of it faster, and help stop some of those ouchy moments from slipping while crawling.
They also make socks for toddlers. Aubrey is loving his. He will wear socks, but not slippers so having these super plush grippy socks on, makes us feel less anxious as he runs around and up and down our wooden stairs.Check out the products for yourself here.