And so it begins......

Here We go! Not only am I starting a blog in 2013, but it is also starting to sink in that I am going to be a mom in a short 4 months. Life is about to change a whole lot for me but I am ready for it. At almost 26 years old (my birthday is in less than 2 weeks) I am ready and in need of a big change. Yes I will admit, a baby wasn't what I was thinking of when I ran the thought of a change in my head for all of 2012. But, when I sat on the floor of my bedroom that night in late October, trying to work out my thoughts, staring at that test, I knew I could do this. After about 15 minutes, I worked up the courage to call Rob (my baby daddy) to tell him the news. It was emotional. We were both in shock. Through the shock, came beaming smiles that we both couldn't hide.4 months later, here I am laying in bed writing to you as my little boy (found out on Thursday) kicks away at my tummy. The past 5 months have been emotional, confusing, but overall absolutely wonderful. The purchases we have begun to make are causing it to all to be a bit overwhelming. This is a feeling I'm sure I will be all too familiar with soon.As my belly grows, my love for fashion gets hit hard. I try my hardest to keep on top of the trends like I am used to, but this belly makes it a constant struggle. Its a challenge I am prepared to take on!What hasn't taken a hit is my cooking. Pinterest lately is my best friend for the amazing healthy recipes and I promise I will share the good ones with you along the way.With all that cooking, comes working out. Having to cut back my 6 days a week, 6 am gym work outs due to pregnancy fatigue and not wanting to put extra stress on my body hasn't mentally been easy. Its still sinking in that I must gain weight to have a good house for this baby. I have resorted to 3 days a week weight lifting and cardio. Wish me luck to keep it up throughout this whole period. I will share with you any great workout regimes as I go.Well, that sums up my life as of now. Pregnancy sure makes you a house hermit. But I cant complain about being in bed by 8:30pm and getting a good 9 hours of sleep a night. I promise, I'll throw some excitement in there for you.

My bump at 20.5 weeks

Until next time,Katie Rose xoциклевка паркетаМоноблок Apple iMac 21Graphics/WLMKB)ноутбук асер ценакупить ноутбук в китаекредит на kia sportageпотребительский кредит новосибирсктермин кредиткредит молодая семья


With the rain brings smiles