And Then The Sun Came Out

wildrosebudsYesterday, the sun finally came out and covered Halifax with a blanket of warmness as temperatures rose to 17 degrees. We wanted to take full advantage of it seeing as though today it rained cats and dogs. So, after my run (did 8kms, pretty happy) we got dressed and headed to the boardwalk along the waterfront. The timing was perfect because Aubrey fell fast asleep for his afternoon nap as soon as we pulled out the driveway and stayed asleep until the end of the walk. Rob and walked and talked and spent the time catching up on the things you need to every now and then with your partner. Sometimes life happens, and you forget to check in on one another feelings, goals, and all the other stuff that make up us. We use these moments, like these quiets moments one the waterfront to make sure we 'still know' each other. When they say the key to a good relationship is communication, they are 100% right.Katie Rose xoimage image image image image image image image image wildrosebudscertificate in mobile application developmentKormetal MF76trading stock optionsтуры на 9 маябанк центр кредит москвакупить скутер в кредит москвакредит студентам без работыфорд кредит калькулятор


Aubrey's Favorite Things


Aubrey's First Swim