Happy Birthday Mom!

image Today is my mothers Birthday. Growing up, she was always there. Being the youngest of 3 girls, it was hard, but she tried her best to make sure she created a one-on-one bond with each of us. Because of that effort, we each are so close to her and each other. She is my father's voice, and my family's backbone. I've looked up to her more and more as I get older, and now that I am a mom, I try to keep her in my mind as I make my decisions. She is my mentor and muse, my inspiration. It only makes sense that she is born on a day that represents love, because she is the definition of the word. Thank you Mom for being you and always loving me for who I am. You deserve the very best today.Love you,Katie Rose xofamily2013 012Флеш-накопитель Lacie XtremKey 32GB USB 3.0накопителирадиоуправляемые модели купить в москвеlegs emporium jewelлучший курс обмена валютыкредит туркредит пойдемдоска объявлений кредиткак взять кредит 100000 рублей


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