Spring Is For Walking

image image image image image image image image image image image image image image                          Photo credits of me to Rob DecoeliWith all these sunny warm days that we've been having, Rob and I are again taking advantage of Aubrey's Nap times and walking for 2-3 hours a day. Lately, we have been gravitating to the gorgeous Halifax waterfront. Our first summer together was spent on those very boardwalks. Sunday, we decided to start our walk at the neighbouring ship/train yards. Rob was in heaven like most boys would be with all those tracks and trains close by. Aubrey even woke up in time to watch as an engine passed the sidewalk. He's still a bit to young to understand what it was, but you could see the twinkle in his eye. Looks like Santa May be bringing a train set next year, even if Daddy plays with it more.Katie Rose xoRosava Бц-19паркетная доска полыприготовление курицы гриль в духовкелучшие модели ноутбуковкредит гражданам снг в москвебанк российский кредит вкладыномер телефона хоум кредитаавео в кредит


Project 52: Week 15


5 Things