The End Is Near

WildRosebuds.comAfter a Year and a month of being off work on sick and then maternity leave, It is now official that I go back to work as of July 2nd. Originally, we had decided on August 12th, but with big things happening at work, I'm needed a month and 1/2 earlier. My mind is still wrapped around thinking that I have most of the summer off to spend with Aubrey and the emotions come running in when I think about it only really being 3 weeks away. July is a big month full of many changes. Rob has started his new full time job last week, we move into the new place July 5th, Aubrey starts Daycare June 23, and now I go back to work full time.How do I become a working mom? My mom was both stay at home and working depending on the time in our life, and my sister works for herself so she can create her own schedule. I really have no family to judge how to do this on. Am I ready to have someone else raise him through the week as I just become the person to feed him breakfast and dinner and rock him to sleep? Will he still remember who I am? Will he still love me just as much? My mind is racing. But, like many of you ladies out there, we really don't have a choice, and in order to have a good quality of life for our family, work has to happen. I have to be appreciative for the time I have had with him, and make the weekends that much more special. There will definitly be an adjustment period to this change and I will rely on writing this blog to help. Aubrey has been my one and only Job since he came into this world, but now is the time to change back to what Rob and I are calling 'real life'. Maybe this will make us appreciate him that much more. Time with him is that much more special.My vow for the next few weeks before all of the big changes, is to focus on making every moment count with him. This means mommy and son dates at the park, playing more together in the living room and trying to take time away from electronics to devote my attention to him. He deserves it.How am I ever going to do this?Katie Rose Kingston micro SDHC Card Class 10 UHS-I 8GBпорно видео айфонbanc de binary registrationdania beach hollywood floridaкредит липецкбанк российский кредит спбmacbook pro в кредитvolkswagen polo в кредит


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