The love of a family

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With all my family here at the same time for the first time in a few years, we decided to have a family photo shoot.

We called on a fabulous photographer we had hired for my sisters wedding. He and his assistant showed up at 10:20 on Monday, and just like usual, us Corkum's were still running around trying to get beautified for this once in a decade photo shoot. We walked through all the woods and fields in a 2 hour span and got some amazing pics.
Here is a preview of Our shots and you can see more from the photographer Jeff Cooke at his website.
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In other news, the move back to the city is drawing near. Come Friday, Aubrey and I will be living in Halifax full time closer to Rob. This means so many changes and the nerves are beginning to get bad. I will for the most part be on my own until Rob comes down on the weekends. Yes, my sister will be there, but as a nurse, it will be spuratic. 
Planning will be key in the next few weeks. I have been reading and it seams like developing a daily schedule will help both Aubrey and I adapt. The first part of this is a bed time routine. We started this tonight. Change and dress him in his pjs, feed him, swaddle him, and then read to him before placing his sleepy precious self into his bassinet and patiently wait until he's sleeping. Supposedly, if I keep this regime up and keep making it a bit earlier, I can sleep train him into an early bed time which equals mommy time. Lets see if this works shall we?
Another big change this week? HE SMILES, BIG, BEAUTIFUL, SMILES. Goodness I love that smile. Melts my heart. Over the past few days, the smiling is becoming more and more frequent. It is absolutely amazing. Tonight, he's added coos and even a giggle to the amazing smile. My heart melted as he giggled while he was fighting sleep, but Robs wept because he missed it. One more sleep until he's with us and will get to hear it for himself. Fingers crossed that a job in the city comes up as soon as possible. 
Now he stirs, as I begin to fade. Good night sweet world,
                                               Yours truly,
                                                              Katie Rose
P.s. all photo credits from this post go to the fab Jeff Cooke.  


ооо полигон харьковчугунный посударенда квартиры в майами бичготовим супможно ли взять кредит студентутелефон хоум кредитаоформить кредит с 18 летипотечный кредит сбербанк молодая семья


Sad Goodbyes :(


Disappearing time