Those Magic Words

Chester on a calm winter day

     It always amazes me how the human race make these quotes to pass around and say to each other thinking it will magically make pain go away. Broken hearts, jobs that you were going for, that trip you had planned. You brainwash yourself and others by saying 'it wasn't meant to be' or 'everything happens for a reason' when really your screaming inside.
Growing up, I'll admit I judged the girls who got pregnant and weren't married or in a serious relationship. With one wrong turn I am now one of them. I'm not the first and I won't be the last but people take pity and think that by saying it all happens for a reason will make it easier on me to go through. Being single and pregnant has to be the hardest thing mentally to go through and I award every woman who has done it before me. Until your in that situation, you really can't understand. I am lucky though, because I have the support of this baby's father and know he'll be here for his son no matter what. Many of us don't. The 21st century has brought on lots of changes. No more sending the girl away to have the baby and give it up for adoption. The new normal in school, especially by the time this little monster gets there, will be single parent families, and divorced parents. We need to let go of those dream we had as little girls that the proper way is to be married and have kids with the same man for your entire life.
But, like those words everyone keeps repeating to me, this all happens for a reason. I was a weak girl who leaned on everyone around me and now I know I am not going to be her anymore. Yes, I'll need the support here and there. But this little guy has made me see that I can't keep running To take the easy way out. I need to push through this and make myself the strong mother I want him to admire and look up to. So you can say yes everything does happen for a reason. You need to find the positive in every situation instead of dwelling on the negatives that you can not change.
Thank you to my family for being my major backbone through all this and my few very close friends who are by my side giving me the guts I need to be who I am ready to be. I love you all and you are always and forever in in my head  and heart.

                            Yours Truly.

Beautiful Friday sun

My gorgeous mom on her birthday this past Friday

Valentines! let the crafting begin!

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A New Chapter Has Begun


With the rain brings smiles