With the rain brings smiles

And pancakes for dinner.....

    Happy Pancake Tuesday Everyone! Today was a great day. Getting off work at 2pm is enough to make anyone's day a bit happier, but that was just the beginning.
    Today was my best friend's launch into being a consultant for a beauty line. She has been working so hard for a break like this so I wanted to be there to support her. We ate pancakes for dinner to celebrate before we headed to the launch.
     Its funny how true friendship works. You can have friends who come and go and then you have those handful (or less) of true friends who will be there for you no matter what. They are the first people you want to tell  anything and everything in your life to and the last to leave your side. You can be in a huge fight with them but they will be there in 2 seconds if they know you need them. She is one of those to me.

Back to the pancakes!
   I don't eat pancakes very often due to the lack of health benefits, but this is the only day of the year that it doesn't really matter (calories don't count today). So, I grabbed 'The Bible' and began to bake. My mom has a tradition that started with my grandmother giving her The Better Homes and Gardens New Cook book when she moved in with my father. Naturally, she carried it on by gifting my sisters and I each our own when it was our time to leave the nest. Best cook book ever to learn how to cook I swear.

The bible, well used and bursting at the seams

 I made the classic pancake recipe and decided to fancy it up as well as using some over ripe fruit on my counter by making a peach mango compote. The warm compote topped with cold fresh cut strawberries were the perfect mix.

Pre Valentines Decor for the plate 

Felt so good, I bought myself some flowers :)

    For the pancakes, in a medium bowl mix 1cup flour, 2 tsps baking powder, 2 tbsps sugar, and a pinch of salt. In a smaller bowl, mix 1 beaten egg, 1 cup milk ( I used coconut milk) and 2 tbsps of cooking oil. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients till smooth, I use the wisk. Fry the pancakes on medium heat in butter. My mom always taught us that you know its time to flip the pancakes when the bubbles in the dough start to pop and hollow out. this makes them the perfect color gold.
   For the compote, in a saucepan. combine 2 cups of fresh over ripe fruit ( I used a mango and 2 peaches), 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup water, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp of nutmeg. slowly boil the mixture till it thickens.
    Combine the two, and you'll be in heaven.

   Enjoy xoxo,

The finished product MMmmmmmmm.......

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Those Magic Words


And so it begins......