Life Update

pumpkins-10 pumpkins-1 pumpkins-4 pumpkins-2 pumpkins-7 pumpkins-3 pumpkins-8 pumpkins-5 pumpkins-6 pumpkins-11 pumpkins-9I haven't had a personal post in a few weeks because things have been so hectic and changing lately, that I think I needed to get my head around it all and sorted out before I talked about it out loud. 6 months ago, I took a position on a new business venture and a few months after working on it, I was too excited and had to share it with you readers. Unfortunately, as a family, we decided for me to take a step away from it and go into a different direction. I learned so much from the behind the scenes of a clothing store and am so happy to have had that opportunity to see what it was like to do my dream since I was 10. But....the show goes on.Over the past month, I had an offer to join an insurance company based here in the city, but the stipulations were that I needed to pass a course first to be legally allowed to sell life insurance in Canada. Well, 2 weeks of cramming, 3 runs of the practice exam, one in office exam and one provincial exam later, I have my Life Licence Qualification Program under my belt and dive into training on Monday. I'm scared to death for many reasons. I am being taken out of my comfort zone and although I have been working in the healthcare field for the last 4 years, this is a different side. But, with the ability to grow with the company, I am looking forward to what it may bring.Unlike many mom bloggers out there, Rob and I don't have the luxury to have me be a stay at home mom. Because of this, I know first hand the stress that you working moms go through to try to balance it all. Its rough but we are all here for each other for support and tips on balancing. What are your working mom issues?ооо полигон24option broker reviewbeautiful women calvesновый тагазцентр инвест потребительский кредитденьги в кредит в томскехоум кредит горячая линия бесплатнаякредиты для студентов сбербанк


Mushroom Chicken Panini


My Mommy Go-To's