My Little Aubrey and ADD?

DSC_0690 DSC_0688 DSC_0696 DSC_0734 DSC_0748 DSC_0772 DSC_0779 DSC_0781 DSC_0752So, I know my son is high energy. He always has been, and because of that, we as parents, make judgement calls as to what situations and environments we put him in. But, as he is getting older, we start to notice that he isn't like most toddlers his age. He runs away, can't make eye contact, and seems to have information about safety go in one ear and out the other. Isn't that what the terrible twos are all about?After he ran away from the group at daycare last week, I started discussing his behaviour with his caregivers. They filled me in that yes Two year olds are busy, but that Aubrey isn't like the rest of the class. His energy is a different level. I wasn't surprised to hear this, as Rob and I have both heard this from others and thought this to ourselves many times. But does that really mean that he is automatically diagnosed as ADD?This disorder is so frequently misdiagnosed and can be controlled purely by diet. I then think to myself about every bad food I had ever given him. From now on, low sugar High protein, high carb foods only. Knowing that, I hit up the closest Chapters to find the cookbook Deceptively Delicious. It is full of recipes that have hidden vegetables in them. But coincidently, on the same shelf, right next to the cookbook read a book title 'Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder'. It was like the universe was telling me to calm down and just enjoy him and his curiosity. Katie Rose xoдевушки в лосинах порно видеоуслуги по продвижению в социальных сетяхhookah pen with flavorsзащищенные ноутбукикредит петрокоммерцбанк российский кредит отозвана лицензияномер телефона банк хоум кредитэкспресс кредит 1000000


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