Myla the Magical Unicorn

Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis

I always wanted to be a boy mom. I loved dresses as a kid, don't get me wrong, but my favourite thing to do was make things out of my dad’s scrap wood, play in the woods and drive my dirt bike (yup, I had one and got made fun of for it but rocked it anyways). So, having boys just seemed like it would be easier for me.

When we found out Poppy was a girl, I was a little shocked at how pumped I was for her. I was excited to have a buddy to get my nails done with, dress up girly with and just have that feminine side to our family. But, I still HATED pink and Rob and I vowed to never buy her pink anything unless she begged for it herself.

Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis | changes colours Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis | sings to you with the mic Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis | you choose the colour

Enter the whole Nature vs. Nurture aspect of having kids. Totally on Poppy’s own, she gravitates to all of the items you would classify as overly girly that we have never really wanted to have in our home. Her favorite colour is bright pink, and unicorns top her list of the best things on the planet. So, when VTech sent us Myla The Magical Unicorn, you can only guess the reaction that she had, and the reaction of Aubrey because ...well, it's technically a robot of sorts and we all know that's HIS favorite thing on the planet.

But as a parent, there are many parts to this unicorn that are so cool. Like most VTech products, they are created with a learning aspect to them and that's why it's one of the only plastic toy brands we still buy. This unicorn is no exception. With the touch of the brush on the unicorn’s butterfly palette, you can change the colour of Myla’s wings, eyes and hair. This also helps Poppy learn her colours, which she has been struggling with.

Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis | sings Myla the Magical Unicorn | The Wild Decoelis | Vtech

Myla also sings and gets the kids to interact with her. For us, music is a big part of our family and learning to appreciate all music is very important. When you place her microphone by her mouth, she sings and when you remove it, it’s your turn. The kids love this feature and it definitely keeps them giggling and “performing”. On top of this, Myla also has five fun games with the press of her necklace charm, like a race to change her colors before time runs out. If your kids are anything like ours EVERYTHING is a race so this is the bee's knees to them. I will say that the wand needs to be placed firmly face down on each color of the palette which was a learning curve for our kids, but once they figured out the brush placement, it was smooth sailing from there.

Right now Poppy is learning about self-care, and the importance of clean teeth, hands, face and hair. We have been practicing doing Myla’s hair, with Poppy working on her braiding and wanting me to match her hair to Myla’s—which is great because the clips that came with Myla can also be put in Poppy’s hair. They can truly match that way. With Christmas being so close, if you have a little one, this is on the buy list for us. With all VTech products, the quality is there and like I said previously, I really like the active learning through-play aspect of the brand’s toys. Poppy has been getting so much better with her colours using Myla in a fun way and that makes us so happy as parents.

Katie-Rose &Rob


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