Ok Winter, I'm a Waving The White Flag.

Wildrosebuds.com: white flag to winterWildrosebuds.com: white flag to winterWildrosebuds.com: white flag to winter Wildrosebuds.com: white flag to winter We have been stuck in the house for the past 2 days, now going on 3, with snow and ice storms outside our windows. This is the 3rd week of storms in 3weeks and besides the fact that outside is nasty, we in here are starting to become stir crazy. Aubrey has taken any bin of toys he can lift, and has poured them over the floor of the living room. once he becomes bored with playing with each one individually, he then takes a toy road sign and starts batting at them like its a hockey stick. I'm pretty sure thats his way of saying "I'm so bored, I'm going crazy. All of this happening with Rob upstairs tucked into bed with strep throat. I swear this winter is making our home fall apart. I dream of the day Aubrey and I can walk down to the park again. Or, even a warmer walk outside at all would be fantastic, where your not afraid to slip and break your neck. Alas, tomorrow we are back to work and Aubrey back to daycare. As much as I love being home with him, i think he enjoys daycare way more, especially with the weekend that we just had.Until next time,Katie Rose xoсоздание сайта в казанисекс вечеринка в клубеасус ноутбукноутбуки в рассрочку москвателефоны хоум кредитниссан альмера в кредитустановка гбо в кредитсбербанк кредит студентам


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