Our Dog Adoption Story

Wildrosebuds.com: puppy adoption  Wildrosebuds.com: puppy adoption  Wildrosebuds.com: puppy adoption  Wildrosebuds.com: puppy adoptionOur first meetingOur first meetingAfter dating Rob for a few months, just before finding out we were pregnant, we realized how we had a love for dogs in common. In the 3 years since then, we had talked numerous times about when should we get one, what kind, names, etc. you know the usual daydream. So the first thing we did was apply for a pre-approval to our local animal shelter, the Nova Scotia SPCA. After our references were checked, they would call each time puppies of the mix of breeds that we had said we were looking for came in. But, each time they called, we weren't ready. The season would be off, the breed didn't feel right, or we were elbows deep in other things that made it not feel like the right decision. But, right before we suffered the miscarriage, we reapplied. It felt right and we were finally ready. Within a very short period, that led us to Zeus (Cashew before he came to us) He came to us right after the bad news hit and it just felt right to make the moves and finally do what we had been talking about for the past 3 years.Zeus, a rescue, found with his sister starving at 4 weeks old is an American Staffordshire Terrier Mix. He is 9 weeks old and has been a Decoeli for about 5 long, tough days so far. But he is fitting so perfectly into this little family and we are so pleased to have him.The Adoption process was very easy and to know that one less dog is out there waiting for a home and not bred for money makes our hearts happy. We both had done our research so we prepared the house with both the things that the wonderful people at the SPCA recommended, as well as the things we were wanting from our own experience. They helped us with everything from where to put the crate in the house, what food to buy, to what leash will work best with the breed and what Vet and Trainer to go with. We loved all the help.One thing I will warn about a dog Adoption  is the cost up front. Though an adoption fee is much less than what a breeder will charge, you will also need to house and feed that guy. But, like a baby, you prepare and it is worth it in the end. He is our family member and we can't wait to share more of this journey with both him and you.Katie Rose xoBinary options signalsScorpio 804валюта ценакупить видеокамеру для подводной съемкикупить кухню в кредиткредиты в ульяновскеденьги в долг украина херсонмаммопластика в кредит


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