Our Potty Training Journey

toilet-1Well it happened. After many attempts over the last year, with little to no success of getting past the first day, this weekend we attempted potty training with Aubrey. If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat, you will know that he was trained in 24 hours. Many of you have been asking how I did it and do I have any tips. The problem is...I don't. What I do know is what worked for Aubrey and I want to share it with you just in case its right for your little as well.We bought the potty about a year ago, when Aubrey about 20 months. We slowly started introducing him to it, but he never seemed ready. He didn't know when he was peeing and those times that he did pee in it, he would get scared if we made a big deal. So we continued to put it off. Around Christmas, and a few times after, when he was 2 and 1/2 years old, I tried the no diaper method. But, we would last a morning because he would end up peeing through 3 pants in an hour. I couldn't handle it so I would give up.Now here comes the secret that we waited for, which I think made all the difference. A few weeks ago, Aubrey started complaining that his diaper was giving him ouchies and would tug at it all day long. We decided that was his way of telling us he was ready. Now every kid is different but us waiting until he showed us he wanted to be done with the diaper, we believe, made this whole process fast an easy.We waited for a weekend when he was out of daycare. I got his favorite treat cookies to use as an incentive and I prepared the laundry room for all the pants that will suffer from the accidents to go straight into the wash and a pile of clean sweatpants ready to be changed into.Day 1- It was messy, with 8 accidents including 2 poo accidents(yuck), and about 5 successful potty trips we called the day a success because you could see he was trying.Day 2- He started the day asking to pee in the potty so that he could get a treat, and that continued on all day with no accidents. By the end of the day he was putting himself on the potty and only telling us after that he had peed. For the record, we changed his treat to Mini eggs.Day 3- The real test began when we dropped him off at daycare. He passed with flying colors and no accidents.Now I know this doesn't really give you some magic secret but what I have learned from this is that waiting until your child is ready seems to really work. To prepare yourself, make sure your ready for the messes and don't give up after the morning or even the first day like we had done at first. Get your cleaner and paper towel ready. Your going to need it.Katie Rose xoforex binary options brokersсоздание раскрутка и продвижение сайтаhouse for rent miamiвсе модели ноутбуков acerдебет 01 кредит 08мопед в кредитзайм воронеждебет 08 кредит 60


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