Setting Goals For a New Year: 2018 Edition
I really hate the word resolution as I know many of you do as well. So each year at this time, I always set GOALS for the year ahead. Yes, Rob argues that resolutions are goals. But, to me, resolutions are usually made to change something negative in your life and known for failure. Goals, on the other hand, are positive and a place you aim to reach, not change.Last year we made many goals, both personal and in business, and it felt so good to close out the year with more crossed off than not. This year, because my personal life and blogging life are pretty much the same, I decided to not separate them, and instead, make one list.
With every goals list, it means more to print them down in a place to look at and be reminded of each day. We have them on our new fridge but plan on doing something fun for our desk as well. Another way to keep your goals at the top of mind is announcing them to the world. Once I let you all in on something, I usually stick to it so that I stand accountable and so that hopefully reaching that goal is something I can tell you about.
Setting Goals For A New Year: 2018 edition
So, here it is, my personal and career goals for 2018:
- Walk a Half Marathon: Each year, I usually set the goal to run the bluenose 10km marathon. I really wanted to do it with Rob. But, with him being 6'6" with bad knees, running isn't an option but he loves to walk and is starting to walk regularly for his own goals. The timing was perfect to train ourselves to walk the half in May and I am now super excited.
- Grow My Youtube Channel to 500 Subscribers: Yes I know, this may seem like a small feat. but Rob and I love making video content for the blog. We want to up out video content and hopefully, start a new base for followers to visit our family.
- Start doing a YouTube video once a week: this obviously plays on my last goal.
- Take Aubrey on an airplane: Last year, I went to Toronto 3 times and my mom to Europe twice. Aubrey has become very interested in airplanes because of it. We want to travel more and I feel like its time to take him on his first plane ride since he was a few months old.
- Go on 2 adventures a week with my family: We love doing things together as a family. With Rob now his own boss, we are able to create our own schedule and want to take on more day trips as a family this year.
- Create a budget by February: With both of us now being self-employed, budgeting is extremely important to survive. We have brought on an accountant to help us get everything in place to have a budget put together next month in a way that it is easy to stick to. If you'd like a blog post on it, let me know.
- Take a trip with Rob somewhere: BY OURSELVES! we have been together for 6 years this summer and have NEVER traveled together before. I WANT A HONEYMOON.
- Get in a habit of working out 4 days a week: I have been in and out of the fitness lifestyle for years and this November and December, fully fell off the bandwagon with a busy schedule and a sore hip. I have already started to change my habits around but am hoping by next fall to have my workout schedule so ingrained into my life that I will be constantly sticking with it.
And that's it. The key to making goals is to make one that you can stick to and are achievable. You don't want to overwhelm yourself either, so spread out the end dates for them all and make sure they are positive.I hope you all have an amazing start to 2018 and I am looking forward to hearing what your goals are on Instagram. Head to this post and let me know!