She's A Keeper- A New Daycare New Daycare New Daycare So its happened. Aubrey started his new daycare on Monday and we have fallen in love. This gorgeous Brazilian that goes by Elisabet...thats right no 'h', is better than I ever could have imagined. She's a keeper. Her house has been completely transformed into a daycare for kids 1-3 yrs old and holds only 5 at a time. This means that Aubrey gets one on one attention a lot of the day because the other kids are older than him and pretty self sufficient. Did I mention she has 6 years of ECE education behind her? Oh yes, a 4 year degree from brazil, and a 2 year diploma from here. That means that she actually teaches instead of just letting the babies go mad with toys and keeping them alive.Day One was smooth sailing, Instead of Aubrey crying when I left like he has done for the past 2 months at the old daycare, this time he pretty much forced me to leave. AND....HE LEARNED HOW TO DOODLE. I have been trying to get him to with crayons but they must seem too much like food. She has one of those doodler pads and it worked like a charm.The rest of the week seemed to get better and better. She has even started to teach him how to eat with cutlery which has also been a troublesome point with me. But, with the hints that she gave me, I will keep trying at home.Knowing Aubrey is being so well taken care of by a woman who loved raising her own 3 kids so much that she has dedicated her life to raising others, makes my guilt of not being able to care for him so much easier to handle. Yes I will still miss his first real word, and many other day to day accomplishments, but I know he is getting the attention and love and care that he needs. The kind you can't find in a mass daycare setting.It can only go up from here!Katie Rose xoшевроле нива викиPerfeo Moby Blackцена на валютудикая природавзять кредит онлайн 100 процентовкредитная карта кукуруза оставить заявкукредит наличными от 20 леткак взять кредит студенту


Fall Work Finds


Feature Friday: Frank Body Scrub