Starting a Chore Chart With Your Kindergartener
Aubrey is a good month into school and we have been seeing him flourish. His independence has grown and he now loves being busy, whether it's with helping me around the house or playing with his sister.Over the past few weeks, we have been letting him do a few chores around the house to see if he could actually execute them, and would he stay consistent. Aubrey LOVES structure and I think that is why he is adjusting to school so well. So, having him start to do things like making his bed each morning, has made him feel that independence and structure at home as well as teaching him to respect and be proud of his own space.
After chatting to him over the weekend about him being the age to finally earn some allowance, we also started talking about designing a chore chart. We talked it up to him and how he can fill it out himself when he has completed a task. At the end of the week, he will earn a toonie for in his wallet if he has been good at school and his chore chart is full. He loved the idea.Growing up, my sister and I had a similar situation full of tasks that would help my mom around the house from sweeping the floor to scrubbing toilets. We would then at the end of the week earn our allowance and I remember how proud that I felt about it. It made me feel like I accomplished something and that my parents were proud of me for helping. It was such a great feeling to have and I think started my work ethic young. I am excited to give Aubrey that same feeling.
We are starting small to build his confidence so the chart I created is basic and has a few things on it that he does daily already. In the new year, we will invest in a larger chore chart with broken down daily and weekly activities to do. But for now, this is a great start,I have linked the pdf version HERE for you to print for your little with free blocks to add what your little can do around your house.