The Terrible Almost-Twos

DSC_0425 DSC_0424 DSC_0423 DSC_0421 DSC_0397Well, with only a few weeks left of being 1, Aubrey has reached the full blown Terrible Twos phase. From massive temper tantrums of stomping his feet and throwing himself to the floor, to being extra possessive, the stage that we hear about so often is now right under our nose.As first time parents,  this is all so new to us and we are learning as we go how to handle being put in these situations. I know that they say just leaving him is the best way to deal. But its harder than it looks to leave your child screaming on the floor from something that you know you are causing.The biggest Freak-outs, are surrounding our grown up broom, mop and vacuum. Since he was little, Aubrey has always had a thing for these cleaning supplies. We have invested in some child size versions but they just aren't the same to this little guy. as soon as he is awake or home, he begs for them and if we leave the house or go to sleep, they are the first thing that he lists off as he says good night or good bye. This obsession is becoming harder and harder to deal with. It has now even moved into public areas if a broom is in sight.But, with all of these low moments, the highs are super high. He is so much more vocal and snuggly and cute. So, that makes it bearable and we push through each day with love in our hearts.Katie Rose xoкомпания полигон отзывыраскрутка сайта ссылкиhallandale beach miamiсмартфоны с металлическим корпусомтел хоум кредиткредит без справок сургуткукуруза кредитдебет 25 кредит 02


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