To My Little Boy Turning Two!

[embed][/embed]Sunday is the day that Aubrey turns Two and I have so many mixed emotions. How can 2 years feel like they've flown by so fast yet have changed me more than I could have imagined. He has bursted into our lives, and even though Rob and I didn't think we were ready, we now see that he came for a purpose. He has taught me to be more patient, more loving, and take more time to focus on whats important, our family. He has brought Rob and I a new level of love between each other because we have to work as a team and without him, I'm not sure we would have realized how perfect we are for each other.Thank you Aubrey, for making me your mom. For making me see that the love of a family ( no matter how small) is all you need. For making me smile each and everyday. And for making our life and all our efforts mean something.You are the reason I wake up each day and wait to hear those little feet run into our room and I can't wait to go through the good and bad, ups and downs, loves and heartbreaks with you. Thank you for letting me feel again. I Love you with all my heart!Mommy xohow to trade optionsspelling corrector onlineсамый мощный ноутбук 2016vapor pen hookahкредит студентукредит кукурузаденьги в долг борисоввнутридневной кредит


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