Today Is Officially Double Special Feb 18thBaby Jenson Brand NewToday has been a special day in my family for the past 2 years. This day 2 years ago, I became an Auntie for the first time to a gorgeous spunky girl who looked just like me. She was the first grand baby in my family and such a perfect little thing. Shortly after her birth I travelled 24 weeks pregnant down to the Dutch Antilles to meet her. She had colic, was fussy in the mornings, and didn't want to sleep. But, besides all of those things you may think was horrible, I already loved her like she was my own and was excited for the months to come, to have one of my own.Today (yesterday in their time zone) My gorgeous big sister and her hubby who are now living in Abu Dhabi, welcomed a little boy on the exact same day as they did Amelia. His name is Jenson Richard and she had a great marathon of a delivery in only 4 hours, 1 hour of that spent on the road travelling to the hospital in Dubai. Dubai, isn't just a quick trip to the Caribbean, so I now have to wait for those baby snuggles until they arrive here in August. The countdown will commence momentarily.Congrats Hollie and Jeff, you have made this winter that much more bright! I love you both.Katie Rose xoLitu 0WhiteFMtraderandrea rosu legкупить пододеяльниккредит в ульяновскехоум кредит банк телефонкредитная карта кукуруза евросеть оформитьмебель в кредит спб


Obsessions: Spring Trends


Ok Winter, I'm a Waving The White Flag.