Why I Stopped Kayla Itsines BBG at Week 9

Ok, so, I was pumped to get started on my fitness while in quarantine. I was wanting to come out of being socially distant with an amazing feeling of confidence, my energy back where I'm not falling asleep before dinner, and to generally feel better inside and out with everything from my skin to my gut and more.

Just as I was to start week 9 of the 12 weeks, I decided to call it quits. Not because its hard...because that is definitely true, but because since working my butt off 3 times a week with the HIIT workouts, and doing the 4 required LISS workouts on the other days, I have gone down hill with my health and energy level.

About 2 weeks ago, around week 6 of the program, I was going to write a half way point update. But, I didn't feel great about how I was feeling and when I went to weigh in and do my measurements, I had put on 4lbs at that point and had gained about 1.5 inches over all instead of losing. My digestion had gone back to being pretty off after having worked so hard on getting it better over the winter, and my face was constantly breaking out. I blamed it on Emmitt self weaning, But then insomnia also started to get worse and worse.

This program that I had been working my butt off (supposedly literally) each week making sure to accomplish, was making me feel worse, not better. I wanted to figure a few things out before I showed you my non-results.

My kids are now sleeping fully through the night, but I still am up 4 or more times to pee or just to stare into space stressing about not sleeping. I mentioned to my sister about the frustrations with my sleep getting worse (she's a Holistic Nutritionist) and she mentioned that it sounded like I may have adrenal fatigue, or burnout from stress.

So, over the last 2 weeks, I have been researching all about Adrenal Fatigue and how doing HIIT more than 1 time a week when you have it, can actually cause you to gain weight, have poor digestion to the point that you have IBS symptoms, and so many other things that you would never connect to your workout like Insomnia. All of the things I was experiencing.

I have never really been a stressed person, but I have been treated for adrenal fatigue before in my early 20's when I was doing a lot of running and races. So, knowing that I have had it before, I have stopped BBG as of Sunday and am going to look at less impact workouts.

Currently, I have just finished my 2nd workout this week doing Pilates and I am actually pleasantly reminded how hard Pilates is. I am burning a bit less calories per workout but am feeling the workout while I am in it so much more. I have actually always gravitated to pilates and yoga, having competed in dance for most of my childhood and the workouts feel good on my body, like something I craved but didn't know it.

So, here is my post 8 week body/health update and where I am starting with finding out what is going on with me. I hope that sheds some light for some of you who may have notice the same issues when you start a strenuous workout plan.

My Current Stats 

Weight: 150

BMI: 25

Body Fat %: 28.2

Arms: 10.5 inches

Chest: 34 inches

Waist: 29.5 inches

Lower Belly: 36 inches

Hip: 40 inches

Thigh: 24 inches


One Room Challenge: Week 2 - Reworking What you have


One Room Challenge: Our Formal Living Room