The Day We Met Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau Justin TrudeauIf you follow me on social media, then you will have already heard that this Saturday, we met the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. It was such a crazy whirlwind of a day, in-between Aubrey's bouts of sickness and I will send an open apology to Mr Trudeau if that loving hug captured above has given him the cold that has now turned into a lung infection.We were having our first dinner party with friends on Saturday night, and Rob really wanted to get some good steak from the Seaport market. So, although Aubrey and I were up most of the night before, We dragged ourselves into the car early in the morning to get to the Market before the main rush showed up. Once we got there, it seemed odd how busy it was. It is far from harvest season and was a cold rainy day. I finally found a parking spot, and we headed in to a jam packed market. Having Aubrey busy eating a chocolate cookie, I headed to the meat stall to grab steaks. Next thing I know I get a text from Rob after a missed phone call from him saying "Did you see him? Are you at the market?" Not knowing what on earth he was talking about, I called him and all I could here was excitement over the phone about the Prime Minister being there and how he NEEDS a photo of Aubrey and Mr. Trudeau together. I'm not very political but I knew how big of a deal this was. So did the 200+ other people who were waiting to meet him. After getting our steaks, I headed for a coffee at our favourite coffee place in the market. On my way there, I saw him, One level up, getting interviewed for our local news. I quickly grabbed a zoomed in shot with my photo thinking that would have to do because it would be a once in a million chance that I could A. wait with a toddler in that crowd to meet him and B. Get close enough to even have a chance. We grabbed my coffee and tried to get away from the crowd. Just then, the crowds parted and we somehow ended up in-between automatic doorways by ourselves. Next thing I know, There were body guards surrounding Chocolate Covered Aubrey and I. I quickly grabbed my phone and hid my latte behind us on the floor just in time to look over and see Justin Trudeau saying Hi to Aubrey and asking his name. I just started snapping photos. As he stood up, I said thank you. He started talking but I'm not really sure what he said. The man had a crazy presence and aura about him and it kind of took over for those next 30 seconds. I remember him extending his had to shake mine and then he was gone, moving on to the next.I quickly jumped on to text, sending the photo above to everyone who would find it just as cool especially Rob who wanted this moment so badly. The rest of the day was busy with errands and friends. But, I couldn't help but feel sad that I didn't remember my Nikon in my purse for the photo and how the one I got, though amazing, was blurry. We went to sleep exhausted but on a high. When we woke up, my phone was lit up with tags and texts. When I looked, I found the first two photos of Aubrey all over Social Media. Turns out that a professional photographer named Stephen Harris was outside the doors and documented Aubrey's meeting. It was the perfect way to wake up. We still can't believe it all happened 3 days later.Katie Rose xo


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