My secrets to bouncing back after baby...

In the midst of my pregnancy, when my body started to not feel like mine anymore, I wrote a post on Facebook. The reactions that I got were that my body would never be the same after baby, that it's not possible. Well, it's been 3 months, and I'm almost back to my previous shape. I'm back to size and weight and just need to finish toning. To all you ladies out there, it is possible. The secret is that you need to work for it. I credit a few things for bouncing back so easily. I was in great shape before, I stayed working out and weight training for most of my pregnancy, and I began lightly exercising as soon as possible.

So the baby is born, and the initial 2 weeks have passed. You are starting a routine. This is the perfect time to create a piece of your day dedicated to you. Because working out isn't recommended until cleared by a doctor after 6 weeks, I needed to do something. I began to walk. I walked starting from 5 km the first few weeks, building up to 9-10km by 6-8 weeks post partum. I walked every morning, and dedicated a time for it. This became Aubrey's nap time. Besides helping with the weight loss, it also helped me fight off any post partum depression. It was the me time I needed to keep sane. 
Once I was cleared at 7 weeks post partum to get back to the gym, I started slowly. I have always been a runner so that was the first thing that I was dying to do. That was always my therapy. I, then, with Aubrey signed up for the daycare at my local gym, began Les Mills Body Pump classes to get myself back into weight lifting. 2 mornings a week for a month, I would drop Aubrey off at the gym daycare and have my me time at the hard, muscle aching class. Yes I felt guilty most of the time, and yes I worried. But, us as women, need to put ourselves first for one hour of the day. 
At 2 months post partum, I began to get back into my old routine of what gym goers call a 4 split. This means that you split your body up between 4 days to get a full body workout. For example, day 1 is leg day, day 2 is shoulders and abs, day 3 is chest and triceps and day 4 is back and biceps. Because babies love scheduling I make it a point to be there at 10 am each morning. I begin with a 30 min 5 km run (any cardio will do) and then work out the muscle group for that day. Usually I break up the workouts with rest days, but always make sure each week I do all 4 days. My workouts are loosely based on the workout found at this link if you are interested in trying it. . I switch out some exercises and add some but it's a good guide. 
I have always tried to take care of everyone I love, and once becoming a mom, I understand the feeling you have that you don't have time. The thing is, your on mat leave, your baby sleeps, your house doesn't need to be cleaned everyday, so you have the time to make dedicated to yourself. This time makes you a better mom, partner, and friend. When a person is happy with themselves, they bring positivity to everything the do. I am not a personal trainer, nor have I taken any education on it. This is what works for me and it might not for you. The reason I'm sharing, is to inspire you to make time everyday for your health. It's possible and you should never feel guilty for it. 

                                    Your health addict,
                                                              Katie Rose xo

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