Cas Abou

     And my body is still in shock. For the past 2 weeks, I took advantage of my sister's sunny living situation and skipped town (well North America actually) to visit her, my brother-in-law, and my brand new gorgeous niece Amelia. Wow was it ever needed.

Waiting at the airport to board my plane to paradise

Pool time at Hollie's House

First beach day, Finally had the guts to invest in that amazing hat and rock it

Me and the bump at 25 weeks

One of the delicious lunches with my Mom 

    Living in a small town as well as being pregnant leads to most nights being spend inside on the couch. You don't want people to judge you by going to dinner and staying too late, or whispering behind your back because rumor was...... so cabin fever was becoming a real problem. I hopped on the plane and headed down to the gorgeous paradise of Curacao and it cured so much.
      Most days involved early morning routines with my mom till everyone woke up, and then spending the afternoon doing errands, ending in a home cooked meal as a family and then bed nice an early. The days that really did my mind good were those where Jeff would drop me off at a beach near by and I would spend the day reading great Sophie Kinsella books, listening to the waves, and getting tons of vitamin D. Those hours alone made me feel more confident with myself. It was like I would get hit with the realization every once in a while that I am ok with myself, and I don't need someone to make me happy or to be entertained. I was always afraid of eating alone at a restaurant, but made it a point to sit at a beach front restaurant each one of those days alone and order an amazing meal to myself. In 2 weeks I feel like I have grown up and am coming into my own, prepared to be an amazing mother and inspiration for my son. Baby-moons are always recommended and after this trip, Ladies, I swear by them. Even without your partner.
     Now its back to my real life, in the freezing cold and soon snow. After 2 days back at work, It doesn't even feel like I left, until I see how much happier and ready for the future I am. I hope this new found self sticks around, she is really starting to grow on me.

                                                       Yours Truly,
                                                                     Katie-Rose xo

Downtown Curacao
Klein Curacao (seen on the Bachelorette)
Bluebay Beach

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5 Ingredients to Heaven


Another year passed