Mr and Mrs Tovee, A Wedding Story   This summer marks 2 very important moments in my love ones lives. One of which, was my best friends wedding. As many of you who follow me on Instagram know, I went on my very first road trip with my family last week. 29 hours to Muskoka and 31 hours back, with Rob and a 14 month old....we lived through it. In the end, it was all worth it. Kayla, whom you had gotten to meet in previous posts, is probably my closest friend. I have been through every step of this wedding with her, from picking out and then up the dress, to the thousands of texts since the day she got engaged, giving my opinion on wedding decisions. Though we live 2000km apart, it always felt like I was there by her side as a best friend should be. The wedding day came, and Kayla was as cool as could be. With her Mom, sister, and childhood best friends, we crammed into a gorgeous hotel suite at Deerhurst Resort. As any of you girls who have been in a wedding know, this took literally hours. But, (almost on time) we got dressed, and were ready to help Kayla with her gown. I heard her yelling for me and went into the bedroom where her mother and the photographer stood. She then asked me if I would tie her belt for her. This little request meant the world to me. It was her big day, and I got to be apart of getting her dressed and ready to go. We headed to Kev's moms cottage where everything was Pinterest perfect, from the photos hung on the tree covered road leading to the dock, to the powder station outside of the outhouses. It was magical. The ceremony was hot and short. We took a few wedding party shots, and then boarded a pontoon boat to take us to the reception. The day was perfect, the speeches were hilarious, and the food was delicious. If only Aubrey would have fallen asleep in the stroller, I would have got to dance. Mom priorities caused me to bundle up my tired little family and headed to the cabin for some much needed snuggles. Thank you Kayla for such a fantastic beautiful day. I am so honoured to be your friend and to have been there beside you on such an important day. Katie Rose xo For more pictures, check out #toveewedding2014 and #wrtakesonmuskoka What are binary optionsgoogle ключевые словатурция в мае 2015 погодакупить дом snapper lakesкредит 20000 рублейденьги в долг у теле2что представляет собой кредиткредит 700000


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