5 Ingredients to Heaven

Eating healthy while pregnant has its difficulties with all the cravings you may have. I have done the research and know that sticking to high protein can help curb that hunger feeling and sweet tooth. The problem is.... High protein can get boring and repetitive. Thank goodness I have a great imagination that is keeping me sticking to this. My best creation this week was inspired by seeing those ready made crepes in the lettuce section of the Superstore, mixed with the discovery of bruschetta goat cheese. Mmmmmm.

Here's how you can do it too:

Sauté 2 cups spinach with salt and pepper. As its cooking, layer 2 crepes together on a plate and cut half an avocado in slices. Place the spinach when cooked into the middle of the crepe. In the same pan start to scramble 2-3 eggs or 1/4-1/2 cup of egg whites. While eggs are cooking, place goat cheese and avocado on spinach. Then top with the egg and wrap.

Amazing!!! The crepes are slightly sweet and mixed with the Savory of the bruschetta cheese and spinach is heaven in every bit.

Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend.

Always xoxo,

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