Cookbook Review: Against All Grain

DSC_0064Banana Mouse PancakesBanana Bread with Chocolate Chips (made as french toast)World Famous Sandwich BreadAbout 2 weeks ago now, after reviewing online what Paleo cookbook is the best investment (they aren't cheap) we invested in 'Against All Grain' by Danielle Walker. She has a great story behind her lifestyle change like most people, by having extreme health issues. She had been in and out of the hospital for years with different serious ailments. Once she cut out gluten, dairy, and sugar, her life and health turned around. She has a great write up at the beginning of the book, that is very relatable.We have been trying out her recipes since purchasing the book, and yes some are amazing, but some just don`t work out to great. Maybe its me, I`ve never been good at bread, but I have tried her sandwich bread (posted above) 2 times now with not a lot of success. The first time, I substituted the cashew butter with almond butter, and it came out more like a sweet bread in taste and moisture than a sandwich bread. The second time, I invested in the cashew butter, but the bread wouldn't cook through the center, resulting in a huge doughy cave. We are taking a break from that recipe. Our favorites so far would have to be the Banana Bread as it tastes exactly like the gluten kind, the pancakes, Lemon curd (soo easy), graham crust, coffee creamer (substituted the almond milk for coconut milk), and pancakes. These recipes we keep coming back to and I`m sure this list will be added to, the longer we own the book.All in all, this book is a great any day cookbook and is making the paleo lifestyle a little easier for us, seeing as though we both have a big sweet tooth. We are over a month in and are loving the lifestyle change. Our health is better, our bodies are changing, and we have more energy. I would definitely give this book a BUY whether you are embarking on a paleo lifestyle or are just wanting a cookbook for those days you are looking to make something healthier. I would love to hear your experience with this cookbook.Katie Rose xoна полФлеш-накопитель Lacie XtremKey 32GB USB 3.0накопителиСолнцезащитный чехол Pontiac для автомобиляжильё в америкетел хоум кредиткредит на карту кукуруза отзывыденьги в кредит в черкесскевзять деньги в долг курск


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