Making A Bad Day Good Wildlittlebuds.comI had been busy all last week, working my butt off to get every inch of material sewn for the Hubbards Barn Market this past saturday. After sewing for hours, my 10 year old sewing machine, which my grandmother gave me the birthday before college, finally decided to die. The tension in the thread was gone and everything I did didn't help. So, I packed up the leftovers as well as everything else for my setup at the market and headed to my parents a day earlier. With Aubrey in the playpen by my side, and my dad helping entertain him, I sat at their kitchen table all day with my moms AMAZING new sewing machine. It made everything so much faster to sew and by 9 pm I had the labels on and moved on to the sign, etc.  Bed Felt good Friday night let me tell you.Saturday morning I woke up to my alarm at 6:15, left the boys in bed in my childhood bedroom, and headed to the Market with my mom. I was so excited to finally have a place to get my things out there, the name known a bit more, and for people to be able to touch the amazing fabric each piece is made from. We arrive, and I found the lady who approved of me selling at the market. When I introduced myself and company saying I was there to sell like she had told me, her face went white. You could tell she had forgotten all about me coming. She apologized for the mix up and that she had forgotten to confirm with me, but they had no room. Because I had brought my own table, she offered to let me set up outside, where it looked like it could rain any minute, and the wind was strong enough to blow my product far away in seconds. I turned down the offer and Mom and I left.Feeling defeated and just plain mad at the situation, Rob got us back in the car and took me to Mahone Bay for the morning. We sat at this great cafe called Eli's Espresso and then enjoyed checking out all my favourite home decor shops. It was the perfect adventure to make my mood change. That man knows me so well.I will Let you all know as soon as I do about when I will for sure be selling at the Market so keep checking in on here, Instagram, Or Facebook.Katie Rose xoтребуется копирайтер рерайтерпаркетная доска массив ценыkurs dollar v moskvesun proof car coverкиа кредиттеле2 кредиткредит на теле2кредит по одному документу


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