Mommy Find:

There are tons of Celebrities lately trying to cross over into writing books for extra income and usually I don't read or am even interested in them. This one is different. It's Jessica Alba's new book called 'The Honest Life' and I could not put it down since I bought it for myself this beautiful Easter long weekend.This book is based on how to live the most organically and naturaly you can for an everyday person, not someone with lots of money. She has tons of tips and tricks on how she sticks to eating healthy and buying locally. She also has great ideas for meals for babies and kids. A lot of the information I have already known a bit about but reading it from a mother of 2's point of view and seeing how she does something just makes it a little more engrained and inspires me to get back to that form of a lifestyle.Another great thing about Jessica's book is that she talks about her product line she has developed with a team of experts after having allergic reactions to many products deemed 'hypoallergenic' and 'baby safe'.This product line is available so far just for the States, but they are about to start shipping to Canada. One thing I will definitely be ordering as soon as I can are the biodegradable diapers she has created. They have tons of different patterns and I know little Hulk will be for sure in the anchor pattern.More information on the book and Jessica Alba's Honest Company can be found here.Or, you can purchase it at Chapters

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