Mushroom Chicken Panini

sandwich-1 sandwich-2 sandwich-3 sandwich-4As you probably know if you follow my blog, Rob and I LOVE a good date during the day. Most of the time it's for coffee. Our favourite spot at the moment is Pavia's original location which has the most delicious espresso I may have ever had. Recently, on a way to shoot some looks, we decided to order two of their panini's that they make in house fresh to order. We didn't really know what to expect but O...M....G...they were amazing. Since then, we have been craving the mushroom panini that they make and I decided to try my own version at home. It was a great rival to the original and a must try.Mushroom Chicken PaniniIngredients:

  • Ciabatta Buns
  • Roasted Chicken (we used a roasted one from the grocery store)
  • Pesto
  • Cremini mushrooms sliced
  • Old cheddar cheese
  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Panini press (I used my George Foreman from my dorm days)

How To:

  1. slice ciabatta buns and slice cheese on one side and spread pesto on the other
  2. fry cremini mushrooms in butter until soft and place on top of cheese
  3. shred chicken and place on top of mushrooms
  4. top chicken with alfalfa sprouts
  5. place in press or George Foreman for 5 to 10 mins until cheese has melted.
  6. ENJOY!

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