On To Year 27

DSC_0027 DSC_0023 DSC_0022 DSC_0008 DSC_0012 DSC_0020 DSC_0011 DSC_0016DSC_0021Well, yesterday marked the beginning of my 27th year. Yes, that's right it was my birthday. It is a bittersweet transition. I am so happy to be where I am in my life, but, at the same time, I thought I would be somewhere else. A bit more successful, with a house, and a marriage. But, we are an unconventional generation, and I think my family is a perfect example of that. Doing everything backwards is what I do best. This life that I have created, is MY normal, and MY right way to do things. This next year, I have many goals that I am hoping to achieve. And, as they get closer to happening, I will be ecstatic to share them with you so stay tuned.To celebrate, we checked out a new restaurant on the up and coming neighborhood of Agricola Street. The place, named after the street was amazing. There was a fantastic atmosphere with a Speak Easy feel. It serves charcuteries, small plates and large plates, with a great wine and cocktail list. My sister Shannon had just returned from her first cruise, so Rob, my mom, and I got to hear all about her adventures while I documented it with my Gift from my parents, a new Nikon D3100 Camera. Amazing. Check out this great restaurant here, A must in Halifax.Katie Rose xo website spell checker freeBinary options brokersнакидка Chryslerпутевки на нг 2015взять кредит без проблемкредит 76купить бмв в кредитобеспечение по кредиту




An Early Sunday Paleo Brunch......Go Canada