Rainy days and a new soup

With the rain we have been having the past few days, soup seems to be the thing I crave when supper comes around. A month or 2 back, my mom bought me Gwyneth Paltrow's 'It's All Good' and I had yet to try it out.  With Rob and I watching our eating, it gets tough to not get bored with what we are cooking. This cook book is filled with super healthy, easy, low calorie recipes. When I had first gotten the book, I had read through it and tagged everything that I was really wanting to try. The soup caught my eye. It's called 'beet, fennel, and apple'. I shopped for organic ingredients with most things, but got the beets from my father. He grows them back home in Chester and they taste 10 times better than those from a store. The soup was super easy to make and the directions were very straight forward. I topped the finished bowl with a dollop of Greek yogurt. It tasted very light and delicious. 

While I was cooking, I had my audience, Aubrey. The poor little man got his 2 month needles today and has been clasped to my side since we got home. Seeing him like this breaks my heart. Oh my, 2 more months until we do it all over again. 

                  Enjoy the soup
                                         Katie-Rose xo 
^^tip from my mom: cover blender with towel when blending hot soups, stops overflow and burning^^

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