Escape To NS Ice Wine Festival: Happy Birthday To Me

[masterslider id="5"]As much as I don't want to admit it, I am officially in my 30s now. 31is a little hard to swallow. Rob was 31 when we met and I remember thinking how old and mature he was.....bahahahaha, if I only knew. I am not sure if its the age that is bothering me, or just birthdays in general. Being a winter baby, in a period of winter here on the east coast usually gets hammered with snow, I have always been let down. Parties were canceled, people would be away down south, snowstorms would knock out the power, I just gave up on being excited. Last year was the icing on the cake. It was my 30th and we did NOTHING! A month later, Rob planned a getaway for us but we fought the whole time....I was done with birthdays.This year as the question started circulating in the family of what I wanted to do for my birthday, we realized that the Nova Scotia Ice Wine Festival was going on on the same weekend and I casually said, that was what I wanted for my birthday. You see, as a blogger, I will admit, we get gifted a ton. We are very lucky and because of that, allowing gifts from family members is hard. I have everything I need, or the contact to get it and I wouldn't want them to waste money on items just to say that they got me something. Asking for a trip to the festival seamed right. It was an experience that you cant just get any time of the year. Rob made some calls, got the grandparents involved, and next thing you know, my birthday weekend away was a go.We headed over to Wolfville and checked into our suite at the RoseLawn Lodging Motel. It had a great vibe with a kitchenette and living area. We got ready and drove next door to Lightfoot & Wolfville for the Nova Scotia Ice Wine Festival Dinner. The dinner was held in their stunning cellar. It was a 4-course meal with amazing service and wine pairings presented by both Lightfoot & Wolfville and Grand Pre Wineries. The experience was so lux and was the perfect start to a lovely birthday weekend.The next morning, we headed out for breakfast. I had always wanted to try a creperie in Wolfville called The Naked Crepe and My birthday was the day to go. The crepes were so good that they lasted all of 3 minutes and then we went back for a dessert crepe topped with a candle. But, with breakfast taking no time at all, we had a few hours to kill. Rob had taken me hiking about 20 mins away on one of our first dates. We decided to act like non-parents again and go enjoy a drive down memory lane, stopping at all the beautiful places like we had on that first date. It was the perfect way to kill some time.When 12 pm rolled around we headed back over to Lightfoot & Wolfville, where many wineries, cideries, and restaurants had set up stalls for the Ice Wine tasting event (also going on next weekend if you are interested). We circulated getting our fair share if ice wine samples and delicious foods. We even discovered some new restaurants to try out and are already planning our next trip down. It was such an amazing experience and so cool to see how much talent and amazing products are coming out of Nova Scotia in both food and beverage.If you are local and have no plans next weekend, get tickets for the Ice Wine Festival now. You won't regret it. You can grab the tickets here: you so much to everyone involved in making this birthday so magical and changing the way I think about my birthdays from here on out.Katie-Rose &Rob


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