Rug and Weave 20% off Sale Round Up

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

shopping small and investing in pieces for my home has been some thing I've really focussed on over the last few years. I've started to pull myself away from frivolously purchasing random pieces at HomeSense. Instead, I'm looking at family and women run businesses that may be more expensive per piece, but spending that additional amount of money makes me really think about the item before I invest in it.

Rug and weave is one of those shops that I have loved for years. Not only do they sell most of the rugs that we have in our home, but they're very basis and style of everything that they purchase for the shop makes my heart happy. Each piece is thoughtfully curated and brings an original feel to a home. This shop truly makes each piece feel curated and 'found' when it enters your home as opposed to feeling massmarketed.

Above I have truly rounded up my favourite pieces right now from the shop. The chair is very similar to one we've just brought in for our front porch and sealed to be for outdoor use. The pillows are everything my Fall dreams are made of, and the other pieces are items I'm dreaming about to add to my home over time. With their 20% off sale that they only do a few times a year, it really helps with making sure you're investing in those pieces that truly make you feel joy when you look at them while knowing you got it at a good price.

**Please note that the post is not sponsored but I do make a very small commission from you purchasing through my links**


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