5 Parenting Truths

Wild Rosebuds: 5 parenting truths Wild Rosebuds: 5 parenting truths Wild Rosebuds: 5 parenting truths I am far from a perfect parent and that's one of the things I love about blogging. Instead of keeping all those parenting woes and guilt bottled up, we now have a platform in which to share them all. As moms, we all have dirty little guilty secrets that we do to get by. It's almost like a right of passage. So, to celebrate the fact that we just survived another weekend mommy-ing and with Mother's day yesterday, we are on a high note, here are 5 of my parenting truths.

  1. I let Aubrey get his own breakfast while I lay in bed for those extra 10 minutes. Now, mind you, he has always been Mr. I'll do it myself, and may I add, his breakfast is a yogurt. But, as a mom, I know that I should probably be up with him, getting it out and getting his spoon. Hey, if I was really perfect, I'd be up before him and have it waiting as his almost 3 year old self climbed down the stairs. This works though, and the new saying is that the more independent you let your toddlers be, the smarter adults they will become. Let go with that!
  2. My son wears my makeup. I am literally the quickest, least fussy, person when it comes to my make up. I don't own fancy brushes, or really get how to contour. But those 5 minutes I spend on my face, seem like a lifetime to him and all he wants is to join in. So, yes I put some leftover blush on his cheeks and pretend that he gets to wear mascara. He'll even get a pink lip here and there. The way I look at it is that for him and his sweet innocent brain, he wants to be like us. He wants to shave his beard with daddy, and wear lip stick with mommy. I will just chalk this up to bonding time and just making him that more fabulous of a catch for when he gets older.
  3. Aubrey's toes are always painted to match mine. See Above for this reasoning. I mean, he's in socks most of the time anyways.
  4. I say that candy is mouse poison. We were living the past 2 years in a very mouse infested house. We had to set traps everywhere (which never helped) and I probably vacuumed the corners every 3rd day to clean the droppings. I know, gross right? Well, because of that, Aubrey had to learn that he couldn't touch the mouse traps. So, when we would see candy in the check out or pass it in a store, I would tell him it was mouse poison. It worked. He knew that he couldn't touch it and it was yucky. Having a sugar sensitive child who has enough energy as it is, you do what you can to survive each day.
  5. I will let Aubrey eat things that have touched the floor/ground. Yup. I am that mom already and he is still only my first. We really tried the whole disinfect your soother every time it falls thing, but then it was just easier to throw it in our mouth and then back in his. I mean, hes a super healthy kid so I am going to stick with the excuse that allowing this will build his immune system. Now that he is almost 3 and soothers are of the past, that same rational goes to everything else. I'm not gonna stop him from eating a candy he found in the car. If it looks clean, I would have probably eaten it too.

So there you have it, just a few of my mom truths for you on this sunny Monday. Hopefully, they show you that you don't have to feel guilty about your little truths either. Parenting is a super hard job. Each day that our kids and us survive is one for the books, no matter how you got there. What are some of your truths? I'd love to know!Katie RoseWinter I*Cept RS2 W452продвижение сайтов поисковоетент Citroensuv truck coversтеплица в кредиткредит в пойдемипотека в дельта кредите отзывыкукуруза займ


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