Oh the horrors...

It's already been almost 2 weeks since my sister Hollie and her beautiful Baby girl Amelia arrived. But, boy has it been nonstop. Rob got a new do', Amelia ate her first solid food, and many shopping trips. Two babies under the age of 6 months is a hectic scene under one roof.

About those roofs....we got the keys to our house on the 31st and were so excited to get moved in and settled. Boy were we wrong. I pulled up to the house and was immediately warned by the property manager to take deep breaths and not panic. As I was shown around the house we thought would be a dream come true, I see huge holes in the walls, chipped paint, dirt everywhere. But that was just the beginning. We then went upstairs to the carpeted bedrooms. Aubrey's rooms floor was covered in gum spots and stunk of urine (cat or human, we are unsure) and mine next door was even worse. The screens were missing from half the windows, most of the bulbs were burnt out, and the garage door was detached from its track. The nightmare of it all.

After several calls, and 5 full days, we finally have everything started to get it all fixed up. This involves new paint jobs, new screens, and the best part...the carpet being ripped up and laminate wood flooring put in. Oh and did I mention them agreeing on sending in a cleaning team after all repairs are done? It'll be better than new once it's done. For now, I'm staying in our rec room and only when needed.

Monday night, Rob left for the week to Toronto for work. We hate him being gone. Instead of driving all the way back to Chester (75 mins), we decided to stay in the new place. It was my first night alone with Aubrey. No daddy, nan, grandad, or Auntie Hollie to help with the hour or 2 of fussy time that usually occurs. WE SURVIVED. With patience and a bit of help from gripe water, I made it through my first night as a mom alone with my baby. When I woke up, I had a new found confidence. I now know I can do this. And I can do it without the bells and whistles. Being a mom is a hard job, but it comes second nature. I'm loving every minute of it.

Below are some pictures of the past 2 weeks, and I promise, once back in the city, my posts Will be more regular ; -)

Haircut time for daddy 
Hanging at the new house
Amelia eating her first bite of cereal 

My view
Long drives......
Few last shots from our family reunion

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Disappearing time


Busy busy bee..