Living In A Construction Zone With Kids

Wild Rosebuds: Living In A Construction Zone With KidsI went from go, go, go, in May to stay, stay, stay and Paint all day every day in June.We moved into our home last February, doing the bare minimum of painting the walls from a hideous yellow color (and I love yellow) to white and leaving the rest. But after a full circle around the sun and seeing the house in all 4 seasons, we had big ideas on how to make the home feel a bit more like our dream home.Recently, maybe because of the warmer weather, we jumped right in and started putting our year long list of plans into play. It has been a bit hectic with the kids and just reached a new level of hectic with the step of painting out entire downstairs, staircase, and upstairs hallway floors white from an extremely dark stain that was worn and ratty looking. It is hard. We are left crawling in and out of windows, climbing down ladders from our bedroom, and not being able to cook or even clean in our kitchen. So, as the fumes from the paint got to my head, my husband and I decided it was time to get me and the kids out of there.It's a hard thing to do. I work from home. In order to post, I need to film/photograph things while I am home. I am most productive at my own desk. Take that away and I am unorganized and lost, my kids don't sleep, and we find ourselves wasting the day trying to stay away from home when we should be checking off the list of things still to be done.But, like many of you, the end picture is so pleasing and exciting that it is seriously getting me through writing the first post in a week on my parents' couch, from my filthy laptop, while both kids are fighting sleep from unfamiliar beds. I can't wait to have a home that feels great walking into, one that we are proud of entertaining in. It may not be our forever home, but it is our home all the same and still, needs love.So stay tuned for before and afters and what we are up to. We will soon be filling you in on tips and steps for everything we are doing so that you can learn from our mistakes ;) (that may be a winky face but I am not joking) and I promise, we won't fall off the ladder climbing out of our bedroom for breakfast!


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