Gift Guide For Toddler Girls

As my first real year of christmas shopping for Poppy begins, I remember how hard it is to shop for her age. She is starting to really like toys but at the same time enjoys boxes and paper more. And as a family who hates wasting money and buying something just to have presents under the tree, I wanted to find gifts that she would find interesting now, but also would be able to grow with her for when she is more interested in active play.
Now yes, all that you see on this list is for girls, but keep in mind that most items are also available in other colors etc to be suitable for boys as well. Plus, at the end I fill you in on how to win a pair of Freshly Picked Moccasins for the toddler in your life.

Gift Guide For Toddler Girl

1.Wishbone Flip 3-in-1

If you havent read my last post already, you should. This was Poppy's first birthday gift and between her and Aubrey, its a perfect gift, a good pricepoint if you are like us and focus on one main gift from Santa and a few little ones from yourself. And above all, grows with her for the next few years.

2. Pediped Shoes

We found out about Pediped shoes back when Poppy was first born. WE love the idea of a super supporting shoe, especially for Aubrey who at 4 years old is 2 inches shy of 4 feet tall. We want to make sure hes wearing good shoes for a healthy back and joints with his height and rate of growth. WE fell inlove with Pediped because not only are them machine washable but they provide you with an insole system that allows the shoes to fit two sizes, extending the life the shoe. For example, Aubrey is a size 13 so we buy a size 13 and then remove the insole when he needs more room and the shoe becomes a 13 1/2. That way, even though the price is a bit higher, it makes the over all wear of the shoe longer and worth the extra you'd pay.

3. Lil' lemons Clothing

We love gorgeous, trendy clothing for our kids. But as a family on a budget, we cant always justify the price tag that comes along with them. Christmas though is always an exception. We fell inlove with For Love And Lemons kids line Lil' Lemons and ended up getting a few pieces for our kids from them, the cotton is so soft and the pieces are beautiful. They are small fitting thought so make sure to size up 1 or two sizes when you order.

4. Cuddle And Kind

If you want to feel good about a gift that you are giving this year, let this be the one. Not only do you actually buy 10 meals to children in need with every purchase, but these dolls are truly majical. Made by women  in Peru, fairtrade, with the softest cotton, my kids instantly fell inlove with ours and cant sleep without them.

5. ErgoPouch

If you are a sleepsack mama, your welcome ;). From the newborn sacks with the ability to swddle your baby's arms, to the suits that can convert into legs with grips on the feet for those cold mornings or the toddler who crawls out of bed, these are the opitimy of multifunctional. Another bonus, each style comes in different insulation depending on the season you are buying it for.

6. Wooden Kitchenette

Last year we bought a wooden kitchenette for Aubrey. Since, it has entertained both Poppy and him for hours. In hind sight, we wishe we would have went for one like this with a neutral color and more to it, but the two things we are sure of,  they are worth the money and get wood!

7. Smartrike

Yes, it may be the wrong season to think about bikes, but with global warming and shorter winters, we want to be ready to get out when we can. The smartrike is smart because it grows with your kids, going from a stroller like bike when they are under a year, to their very on tricycle. There are many smilar ones on the market, but as country dwellers, smartrike is the only ones with the wheels to handle the shoulders of our roads.

8. Kids Armchair

Does anyone else swoon over Pottery Barn? Littles love things designed just for them. Armchairs take the cake. Although the one we have is from Homesence, my sistes kids have these Pottery barn ones and are OBSESSED with them. they are easy to care for and soft and comfortable for the kids little tushes.

9. Vtech Baby Amaze Doll

If you are wanting something that is a learning gift or your baby, Vtech makes many levels of these dolls depending on your child's age. This specific one is perfect for Poppy's age.

10. Freshly Picked Moccasins

Freshly Picked Moccs are close to our heart. Both of our kids took their first steps in them and even though it's now boots weather, Poppy still feels most confident with her newly walking legs when she is wearing them. The perfect gift for the new baby in your family, or the stylish new walker.If you would like to win a pair of Moccs for the baby in your life, head to my Instagram to see how to win.What is on your list for the little girl in your life?


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