5 Things You Need To Get You Back Into Running After Baby
I fell in love with running when I was in middle school. My sister and I played competitive soccer and would train by running up our country road after school. I remember we would sprint the length between a certain amount of power lines that ran along the road and then walk a length.The love stayed with me through college because it was a free way to work out and you could technically do it from your home. But, it wasn't until I was 24 when I ran my first 10km race in the Bluenose, that I really fell madly involve with that runners high. It became my therapy. After a hard day of making life choices in both my career path and bad relationships, I would end the day with a 5-8 km run 5 days a week. That was before Babies and responsibility for anything but myself obviously.
But when Aubrey came into the world, I was Determined to hold on. I started back running while on mat leave and was loving every minute. I had even shaved a few minuted off my best pre-pregnancy time for a 10km. But, Mat leave ended and I couldn't find a balance. Add in another baby, 3 jobs, and no gym close by, I knew this spring was the time to find time to get back on the road for both myself and my family. Running keeps me sane. When I run regularly, I become a better wife, mother and business owner.
But, I will be the first to admit, it takes a lot of encouragement to get back into it after a baby. Thats why I have tallied up my top 5 items you should have to get you fully dedicated to running after baby.
- A New Outfit - I'm sure you all know this one. It is so true that new workout clothes make you want to work out. It makes sense. I always want to wear something I just purchased and if its workout clothes, I know I have to workout if I want to wear them. Get something that you feel strong, sexy (yes sexy) and confident in. I always seem to gravitate to Lole. They have a more womanly fit than Lululemon with their higher rises and I find the fabric holds up way better, especially if you have pets who shed. Check out my new top Here and pants Here.
- A Great Running Stroller- Some people know that they want to run with their kids and use a running stroller as their main stroller so that they don't have to purchase two. Thats a great idea. We, unfortunately, don't work that way. We need to invest in something to actually use it and to us, we made an investment when Aubrey was a baby, planning ahead, and purchased a double running stroller that also converts to a bike chariot. We knew were were going to have more kids and Rob is a biker. This way we could use one item for two family activities that get us exercising. Ours is this one, but there are so many other great ones on the market, and Kijiji is a great place to look first.
- An Awesome Pair of Headphones- I was lucky enough to be gifted two different pairs of wireless headphones to test out running and I don't think I could ever go back. Music to me is such an important part to my running. I usually throw on some old school playlist of dirty rap songs. you know, the ones you can't listen to now that kids are around. Samsung gifted me with a pair of their new IconX bluetooth earbuds and they are AMAZING! You can actually store songs right onto them similar to an iPod and with the swipe or tap of your finger, control the volume and song selection, while leaving you phone behind. I also like these ones if your looking for a less pricey option.
- A Fitness Tracker- Ok guys...GOALS! running is always about setting a goal, tracking your progress and reaching that goal. In order to do so, you need to have a fitness tracker. Lucky for me, the IconX headphones actually track your fitness, distance, steps, and heart rate, all from your ear while you listen on your run. They kill two birds with one stone. But I also really like this tracker and this one. I think the main key is to have something that monitors your heart rate so that your calories burned are accurate and you can see if your cardio is improving.
- Sneakers You Can Live In- this one is a little sticky because it is SOOO important to have the right sneaker. I was told that I needed a very structured sneaker because my ankles tended to roll as I ran ( told to me by a Sneaker sales man who was "trained") But, I then had the luxury in my old job to have a 3D gait analysis. Turned out, the stabilizing runners were only making my ankles worse. Instead, I needed a minimalist runner so that my ankles strengthened themselves by constantly working. I love these ones and am tempted to go big and spurge on these newly released ones just in time for my 10km race in May.
So there you have it. My 5 items that I invested in to get me back on the road. Rock all the duds, throw your kid in the running stroller right before their nap, and use nap time to do something for yourself.